Major Changes Noticed

2 min readJan 12, 2023

Its been a while since I sat down to write anything. I have sat down since the last time I wrote, but not to write. What was I doing that was more important than writing? ERRORXVIRUS

I had to hit a political rock bottom, where every interaction was polluted and every relationship was shifting from love to conflict. I am the black goat which is to never follow without personal purpose. I believed I needed to follow within political realms, and I have sinned upon my own constitution. I followed and I did not question-two of the ugliest sins in my world. REGULATEXCOMMONER

I thought everyone was out to get me, and maybe they were, but I ran fast enough to lose my demons for now. So in this moment of clarity, how foolish yet commonly tragic would it be for me to disengage in the first true acknowledgement of calm. I am happy and more importantly, I notice it. EXPRESSIONXOVERLOAD

I got engaged since the last time I wrote. The girlfriend of my previous writing is now my wonderful fiance. I thought of a joke- when a woman and a man get engaged, if the woman is called a fiance, what is the man called? … a financer. HAHAHA good joke Dap. Thanks guys. LOVERBOY STRIKES AGAIN!

My dreams have shifted from the ultra violent to what I think most people dream about: people they’ve met, maybe past experiences, I dont really know what normal people dream about yet, but I imagine its nice. NEWXVISIONS

and yet I am a man, just a man, who will turn to the Good Book for guidance. As quickly as I recognize change I battle with it. As good as a man's life shall get, doubt and deep reckoning will conclude all life of man. I wish to be led to the light.




Just a good ole' normal dude. Nothing wild, just regular normal good living.